Dr. Krueger is Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He completed his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and his clinical internship at Brown University. Professor Krueger’s major interests lie at the intersection of research on psychopathology, personality, behavior genetics, health, and aging. He has received several major awards, including the American Psychological Association’s Award for Early Career Contributions, the Award for Early Career Contributions from the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, an American Psychological Foundation Theodore Millon Mid-Career Award, and the Hoch Award from the American Psychopathological Association (APPA). He has been named a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher, and Research.com ranks him in the top 100 most impactful psychologists in the world. He is also editor of the Journal of Personality Disorders and served as the Chair of the U.S. NIH/CSR Social, Personality and Interpersonal Processes (SPIP) Grant Review Study Section.
Psychologist and Neuroscientist graduate from University Northern Kentucky, with Masters in Health Psychology, PhD in cognitive and Behavioral Psychology from the universities Grand Canyon University and University of Kentucky in the United States. Member of the American Psychological Association. Member of the American Psychiatric Association. Former leader of the multidisciplinary team of assistance to children victims of violence - Specialized Investigative Unit no Department for Community Based Services in the Commonwealth of Kentucky - Northern Bluegrass Region. Specialist in infantile trauma, human traffic and fisical and sexual child abuse. Neuropsychologist and researcher of compulsive behavior, psychopharmacology, animal research in the Psychologist Department of the Northern Kentucky University. Auditor for the pharmaceuticals Eli Lilly and Astra Zeneca. Specialist in clinical research, experimental drugs and regulation from Harvard University.
Dragoș Iliescu is a Professor of Psychology with the University of Bucharest and an Extraordinary Professor with the Stellenbosch University. He has been active as a consultant for the past more than 25 years, being involved in and having led important projects related to tests, testing and assessment (among them more than 100 test adaptation projects), mainly in South-Eastern Europe, but also in South-East Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America. Dragoș Iliescu has served in various capacities for a number of national and international professional associations; among others, he is a Past-President (2016-2018) of the International Test Commission (ITC), an Executive Committee member and Treasurer of the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), and the President of the Division 2 (Psychological Assessment and Evaluation) of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). He is the Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Psychological Assessment, and the author of over 150 scientific papers, book chapters and books, among them (as co-Editor) the acclaimed ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, published in 2016 by Oxford University Press, and an important monography on the cultural adaptation of tests (Adapting tests in linguistic and cultural situations) published by Cambridge University Press. His research interests group around two domains: (1) psychometrics: psychological and educational assessment, tests and testing (with an important cross-cultural component), and (2) work, industrial and organizational psychology (with an important focus on measurement in selection and occupational health).
Professor of Psychology at the University of Toledo. His research focuses on psychological assessment, with an emphasis on the integration of personality assessment methods and using the Rorschach as a performance-based measure of psychological processes. He has more than 90 peer-reviewed publications, has received Distinguished Contribution Awards for specific articles and general contributions, and served as the Editor of the Journal of Personality Assessment. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 5) and of the Society for Personality Assessment. In addition to co-authoring the manual for the Rorschach Performance Assessment System, he co-edited a casebook entitled Using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS).
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