It is a great satisfaction to invite everyone to participate in the I International Congress on Psychological Assessment (I CIAP) promoted by the Psychological Assessment and Psychological Expertise Laboratory (LAPEP) of the State University of Piauí (UESPI). The I CIAP will take place from November 27th to 30th, 2024, in a remote (synchronous) and online format.
Psychological assessment consists, according to CFP Resolution No. 9/2018, in a investigation process of psychological phenomena and aims primarily to provide support for decisions in various contexts of psychologists’ practice, including clinical settings, health, education, work, contexts of compulsory assessments, and other sectors in which it is necessary. This process has a predefined structure consisting of scientifically recognized methods, instruments, and techniques.
As stated earlier, psychological assessment provides information that assists in understanding the psychological characteristics of individuals or groups. Thus, the importance of the psychological assessment process in the social context is evident, given that these characteristics may relate to the quality of interpersonal interactions, whether the individual will have appropriate attitudes in traffic, as well as how they will perform a given task.
According to CFP Resolution No. 06/2019, the results of assessments should consider and analyze historical and social determinants and their effects on the psyche, in order to serve as instruments not only to act on the individual but also to modify these determinants.
In light of the above, and considering the importance of understanding and discussing the teaching and practices of Psychological Assessment, the I CIAP will address the theme “Psychological Assessment and its Social Contributions.” It is intended to address the topic through lectures, roundtable discussions, and workshops, which will feature the participation of renowned professionals and researchers, both nationally and internationally, in Psychological Assessment across its various specialties.
We count on the participation of all of you to contribute to the main objective of the event: the exchange of experiences and mutual learning. In order for the interaction to begin, we invite all of you to follow the official event page and also to like, comment, and share the Congress information that will be available on the event’s social media platforms.
Lucas Dannilo Aragão Guimarães, PhD.
PhD in Psychology from University of São Francisco (USF)
Full Professor of Psychodiagnosis at the State University of Piauí (UESPI)
© CIAP – I Congresso Internacional de Avaliação Psicológica | Desenvolvido por JC