Ana Cristina Resende, Ph.D.

Post-doctoral on Medical Psychology by UNIFESP (Psychiatry Department). PhD on Psychology by PUCRS, Master and Psychologist by PUC-Goiás. Assistant professor in the Post-doctoral Stricto Sensu Program on Psychology of PUC-Goiás. LAPSaM-I affiliate at São Francisco University (USF). Coordinator of the Psychological Assessment course at IPOG Brasil. Professor at the Psychological Expertise Post-doctoral program of IPOG. Owner of the Pan American Institute of Psychological Assessment. Member of the Psychological Assessment Advisory Committee of the Federal Psychology Council (CFP).

Clarissa Marceli Trentini, Ph.D.

Psychologist (PUCRS). Specialist in Psychological Assessment (UFRGS). Master's degree in Clinical Psychology (PUCRS). PhD in Medical Sciences: Psychiatry (UFRGS). Post-doctorate by the CAPES/DGU AUX 244/11 Project between the Universities of Girona (Spain) and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Productivity Research Fellow by CNPq, level 1B. Full Professor in the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Psychology (UFRGS). Coordinator of the Research Center in Psychological Assessment and Psychopathology - NEAPP (UFRGS).

Cristiane Faiad de Moura, Ph.D.

Graduate (2001), Master (2004) and PhD in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology (2008). Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Brasília (UnB), at the Postgraduate Program in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology (UnB). Coordinator of the Research Center in Assessment and Social Technologies (CEPATS/IP/UnB), and the Research Group on Psychological Assessment in Public, Private Security and Armed Forces (Perfil Group), founded in 2009. Currently coordinates the Evaluation and Measurement Research Laboratory (LabPAM/UnB). Carries out research in the area of ​​Psychological Assessment, Psychometrics and has experience in Construction and Validation of Tests, Scales and Other Psychological Measures, in Personnel Selection (public and private) and People Management.

Emerson Diógenes de Medeiros, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Master and PhD in Social Psychology with emphasis on psychosocial measures (UFPB). He is currently an Associate Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Psychology at the Federal University of Delta do Parnaíba (UFDPar), working in the area of Psychological Assessment (Psychometrics). Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology (Master's Degree) at UFDPar (Parnaíba-PI). In addition, he is the leader of the Laboratory on Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics of Piauí - LABAP/UFPDPar, has experience in Social Psychology, with emphasis on Foundations and Measures in Psychology. He has a research interest and works mainly on the following topics: Social Psychology, Human Values, Personality, Bullying, Evaluation Processes and Psychological Measures.

José Humberto da Silva Filho, Ph.D.

Graduated in Psychology (1986) and PhD in Psychology (2007) by the University of São Paulo (USP). Neuropsychologist and Specialist on Clinical Psychology. Former coordinator of the Regional Council of Psychology of Amazonas (CRP-AM) between 1998 and 2001. Founder and former coordinator (2006-2023) of the Psychological Assessment Lab of Amazonas (LAP-AM), at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Reviewer of many psychology journals. Former board member (2013-2015) of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP). He has extensive experience in the area of Psychological Assessment with an emphasis on the construction and validity of tests, scales and other psychological measures aimed at clinics and organizations. Currently professor/collaborating researcher at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), having been an associate professor at UFAM since 1997 and also accredited to the UFAM Postgraduate Program in Psychology (Master's).

Makilim Nunes Baptists, Ph.D.

Graduated in Psychology by São Judas Tadeu University (1995), Master in Psychology by the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1997), Doctor by the department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Federal University of São Paulo (2001), post-doctor by the Algarve University (Portugal, 2022). Futhermore, possesses more than 25 years of clinical experience on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Also has significance experience on Psychological Assessment and Psychological Treatment and Prevention. Currently is a professor of the postgraduate stricto-sensu program in Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas); former president of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (2019-2021); Family Work Group of the LatAm Union of Psychology Entities (ULAPSI) member; Red Mundial de Suicidiólogos member.

Mônia Aparecida da Silva, Ph.D.

Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ), specialist in Psychological Assessment by the Regional Council of Psychology of Minas Gerais (CRP/MG), master's degree in Psychology from UFSJ, PhD and post doctorate in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Adjunct professor at the Department of Psychology and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at UFSJ. Associate member of the Brazilian Institute on Psychological Assessment (Ibap) and the Research Group on Assessment and Intervention in Child and Adolescent Development of the National Association of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Psychology (Anpepp).

Rockson Pessoa, Ph.D.

Psychologist by Paulista University (UNIP). Especialist on Neuropsychology by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Master in Psychology by the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). PhD in Tropical and Infectious Diseases by the State University of Amazonas / PhD Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation (UEA/FMT-HVD). Experience on the clininic, research and educational fields. Technical author of Vetor (Publishing Company). Produces technical works on apprenticeship neurobiology and elaboration of psychological documents.

Sérgio Eduardo Silva de Oliveira, Ph.D.

Graduated in Psychology at Lavras' University Center (UNILAVRAS/2009). Master on Psychology by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS/2012). Specialist on Psychological Assessment by UFRGS (2014) and by the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP/2021). PhD. in Psychology (UFRGS/2016). Was a PhD Trainee at the University of Minnesota, supervised by Professor Robert Frank Krueger, PhD. Post-doctorate at UFRGS (2017) and at the University of São Francisco (USF/2023). Assistant Professor at the Clinical Psychology Department (PCL) and the Post-graduate program on Clinical Psychology and Culture (PsiCC) of the University of Brasília (UnB). Founder and coordinator of the Studies Core of Clinical Psychological Assessment (NEAPSIC/UnB) and the Psychological Assessment Service (SAPsi/UnB). Associate member of the Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP) and member of the International Consortium of Researchers on Psychopathology Hierarchical Taxonomy Model (HiTOP model). Member and former coordinator (2018-2022) of the Psychological Assessment and Psychopathology Work Group (GT-APP) from the National Association for Postgraduate Research in Psychology (ANPEPP). Currently, he is a member of the Advisory Committee on Psychology Assessment (CCAP) of the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP).

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